Bride and Prejudice: Producers intervene after ugly family argument turns physical

Posted by Patria Henriques on Saturday, June 8, 2024

Wild scenes have broken out on Bride and Prejudice after a verbal stoush between a bride and her family turned physical.

For weeks, Dannii, 24, has been attempting to persuade her mother Donna and sister Dee to support her impending marriage to Denton, 27 – with zero success.

During Tuesday night’s episode, the couple invited Denton’s mum Annie to join Dannii’s family for lunch in a bid to smooth things over.

But straight off the bat, Donna brought up the drama.

“I really do need to bring this up, what’s your view on them getting married? How do you feel about it?” she asked Annie.

“Look, I think they’re old enough to know what they want, and I will support them in whatever she do,” Annie replied, before admitting she did wish they’d wait until they were a bit older.

“But I’m happy to support them, 100 per cent.”

Donna wasn’t prepared to let it go, explaining that she was concerned it “wouldn’t last” – prompting Dee to jump in with her own reservations.

“I just don’t think you’re ready,” she told her younger sister.

Tensions escalated when Donna suggested that Denton was the reason her relationship with her daughter was floundering, which Dannii angrily denied.

“Before Denton came into my life, you and I never really had a relationship. So you can’t say he’s put a wedge between us because you know I had a closer relationship with Dad than I did with you,” she shot back.

After being told to “shut up” by Denton, Donna accused him of trying to replace Dannii’s father, who had died just six months prior.

“What you’re trying to do is, you’re trying to take the place of her father!” she fired at him.

The argument went around in circles until Donna and Dee eventually stormed out – prompting a furious Dannii to track them down outside.

Within minutes, the verbal altercation had turned physical, with a screaming Dannii having to be restrained by the show’s producers after lunging at her mum and sister.

The Jerry Springer-esque situation sparked a strong reaction on Twitter, with plenty of people unsure of which side to take.

Bride & Prejudice continues on Sunday at 7pm on Seven.
