The Assessment/Testing Center offers a variety of testing services that meet the expressed needs of students, staff and the community. Assessment/Testing Centers provide these services:
- Academic testing (instructors' tests, make-up exams, self-paced exams and distance education testing)
- Assessment testing that meets both TSI and placement requirements.
- Computer Literacy Skills Placement
- Be aware that all services are not available on every campus.
Before taking a test in one of the Assessment/Testing Centers, you must provide photo identification. Some centers may also require a student identification card. There is a charge for some test services. For additional information, please contact the college Assessment/Testing Center at
The Code of Student Conduct provisions regarding disruptive behavior and/or academic dishonesty apply equally to Assessment/Testing Centers and classrooms. Irregularities will be referred to the proper authorities for disciplinary action. See the Code of Student Conduct.