FBI Recap 11/26/19: Season 2 Episode 9 Salvation

Posted by Valentine Belue on Wednesday, May 22, 2024

FBI Recap 11/26/19: Season 2 Episode 9 "Salvation"

Tonight on CBS FBI airs with an all-new Tuesday, November 26, 2019, season 2 episode 9, “Salvation,” and we have your FBI recap below. On tonight’s FBI season 2 episode 9 as per the CBS synopsis, “After an altercation with a student, a teacher goes missing, leading the team to investigate everyone who might have had a grudge against him. Also, a key witness in the case steps up to help, and Maggie does whatever she can to ensure their safety.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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A teacher named Patrick gets into a fight with his student. He physically assaults him before telling him to get out of his classroom. On the teacher’s way home he is attacked by a man in a hoodie with a bat. Before he is attacked, he calls his girlfriend and tells her to call the police.

The next day OA and Maggie visit the girlfriend who is hysterical. Back at headquarters, one of Jubal’s analysts tracks Patrick’s phone to Coney Island.

They head there and find his car with blood everywhere but nobody. The student who got into an altercation with Patrick the day before is brought into headquarters. OA and Maggie interview him. He tells them about his argument with Patrick but also references one the other day that Patrick was in with another gentleman. They find video footage of the incident. They discover the man in the video fighting with Patrick is also associated with Patrick’s girlfriend. It is her soon to be ex-husband, Max.

Scola and Kristen had to meet Max who pulls a gun on them initially. They cuff him and question him. Max tells them that he began following Patrick. That is when he learned that Patrick was dating a student. He confronted Patrick, telling him to stay away from his soon to be ex. Patrick offered him money so that he would not tell anyone.

Back at headquarters, Jubal and the team find street footage of Patrick and the student. Now they need to ID the girl. OA and Maggie head to the school to talk to the principal. They figure out the girl’s name and head to her house. She confesses that Patrick was helping her get out a gang life. She tells them that she knows where Patrick’s body is. When they find his body with the FBI dogs, the girl begins to cry. If the gang knew that she wanted out she’d be dead on the ground next to him.

Back at headquarters, OA and Maggie talk to the young girl Jessica. She details how she has wanted out of the gang life forever but her entire family is part of the DT 15 gang. She confesses to several past crimes she was forced to commit, like slitting a man’s throat. Outside of the meeting, OA and Maggie get into a bit of a debate. Maggie feels for her while OA doesn’t exactly have a ton of sympathy.

They wire Jessica up and have her head in to meet members of the gang at an arcade. When she first sees the guy’s things aren’t going too well but after a few jokes, it appears that nothing is wrong and they are not suspicious. Gomez, one of the members, tells her to bring her best friend Kayla to a party tonight. She agrees and heads back to the FBI van parked down the road. Inside she begins to cry, bringing Kayla to party is code for killing. If she doesn’t bring her friend they will kill her.

Back at the precinct, Maggie and OA tell the team about Jessica’s predicament. Scola and Kristen go to Kayla’s house. She isn’t there and her mother doesn’t know where she is but they manage to find a throwaway phone she bought that day. They send the IMEI number to Jubal to track her down.

Jessica arrives to meet the guys while the team hangs out nearby. They tell her that they want her to kill Kayla with a machete. They hand it to her. She asks where Kayla is. They bring her in, they’ve had her all along. The team rushes in. Before they break down the door and Jessica is about to swing the knife, the gang starts to laugh. They are just testing her loyalties. After they talk for a while and Gomez and the guys admit to killing Patrick the team officially rushes in and drags them all out in cuffs. Jessica is arrested two for show. Part of the FBI team brings her back to her house to get her things but by the time Maggie gets there another authority is there to pick up Jessica and take her away. Maggie can’t stop them.

Hours later, Maggie and her superior meet with the man responsible for taking Jessica away. He is deporting her as a violent immigrant and he is not stepping down.

Maggie goes to court to speak on Jessica‘s behalf. She becomes very emotional and asks the judge to approach the bench. She begs for Jessica to stay in the US and to remain safe otherwise they will kill her in Mexico.

The judge still rules to have Jessica removed and sent back to Mexico. Jessica leaves in cuffs crying but still thanks, Maggie.

