Hells Kitchen RECAP 4/9/13: Season 11 Episode 6 16 Chefs Compete Pt. 2

Posted by Valentine Belue on Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hell’s Kitchen RECAP 4/9/13: Season 11 Episode 6 “16 Chefs Compete Pt. 2”

Tonight on FOX our favorite Chef Gordon Ramsey returns with a new episode of HELL’S KITCHEN called, “16 Chefs Compete Pt. 2.” On tonight’s show in the continuation of a heated elimination, Chef Ramsay makes an unexpected decision that changes the competition for good.  Did you watch last week’s episode? We did and we recapped it here for you!

On last week’s show Chef Ramsay puts the contestants to the ultimate taste test when he challenged the red and blue teams to taste and identify the type of protein used in five dishes. The team that completed the challenge in the least amount of time toasts to victory under the sun at a gorgeous beach house while the losing team spent the day grinding and milling grains to make bread from scratch. Later, the contestants got an early wake-up call to prepare a hearty breakfast for emergency medical workers. While some contestants rose to challenge, others scrambled to complete the simplest dishes, and Chef Ramsay grilled the losing team during an emotional elimination round.

On tonight’s show in the continuation of a heated elimination, Chef Ramsay makes an unexpected decision that changes the competition for good. Later, HELL’S KITCHEN’s maître d begs Chef Ramsay for extra help in the dining room, so he sends one chef from each team to assist the wait staff during dinner service. But when the chefs-turned-servers send illegible tickets to the kitchen, dinner service is at a virtual standstill. After one of the most infuriating dinner services yet, Chef Ramsay asks each team to nominate two contestants to be put up for elimination. Find out whose dreams of winning HELL’S KITCHEN might go up in flames.

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of FOX’s Hell Kitchen Season 11 episode 6— tonight at 8PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new episode of Hell’s Kitchen tonight.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Chef Ramsey says that there is one person over their head and it’s Jeremy. Chef Ramsey says that he brought up a sample plate which is something he’s never seen. Chef Ramsey says that the Blue Team won despite Jeremy.  Chef Ramsey tells both teams to get their crap together.

Nedra is upset that Amanda wanted her gone. Amanda says that if Nedra holds it against her, it will lead to her downfall; she will remain friendly to maintain the peace.  Nedra cries over the day’s event.

The next day, Mary is feeling nauseous. She keeps peeing and her period is late. Mary takes a pregnancy test while the Red Team is preparing a meal. She’s not. Jessica just wants to cook and she doesn’t want to deal with all of this.

In the Blue kitchen, Dan is looking for answers. He keeps asking questions as to what he should do and doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing. The teams are given a short break. Zach and the other guys tease Mary about how she was thrown under this time. Nedra wants some of the guys to cross her path and go hammer time. Nedra warns the guys not to antagonize Mary and to say something when they can win a challenge. Nedra says she’s Mike Tyson.

Nedra is ready to pick a fight as Zach continues to antagonize. Zach says he is not here to make friends with the females. Chef Ramsey has some waiters talk about their bad experiences. Chef Ramsey wants one member from each team to be a waiter and give back. Jessica is chosen for the red team an Barrett is picked for the men and to be supervised by Jean Phillip. He’s upset because it’s a half hour process just to do his hair but he says he is confident since he was a waiter for 6 years. Jessica has never been a server and looks confused. Chef Ramsey is frustrated with both Barrett and Jessica because of their illegible handwriting, continuing to rip their tickets. Chef Ramsey says that Barrett is history with his next mistake.

Ray is annoyed by Dan who wants to be able to cook today too. He wants time on the stove. Chef Ramsey is tired of Ray having a senior moment every time a challenge starts.

Chef Ramsey is not impressed with Amanda’s scallops as they are not cooked and she is not working as fast as the other women want her too. She finally gets it out. Nearly an hour in, the blue team is almost finished with appetizers and are working on entrees. Ray wants Dan to grab his tampons and go to the read team. Ray and Day begin to argue and Michael wants them to stop.

Chef Ramsey is upset because the blue team doesn’t even know what’s on their menu and he wants them to start again. Ray and Dan try to get the right fish in the pan while Barrett tries to calm impatient guests. Chef Ramsey is upset because the rice is undercooked. He wants Jessica to get her team together! Chef Ramsey demands to know if the Red Team thinks this is a joke since they seem to be laughing. He asks Jessica if she wants to go.

Chef Ramsey is upset that Jessica can’t keep a straight face as Susan’s rosetta is still undercooked. Jessica says it’s not funny and doesn’t want to leave. The red team finally moves on to entrees. On the Blue side, Ray and Dan have to start all over again. In the red kitchen, Chef Ramsey is upset over raw pork. Chef Ramsey forces Nedra to apologize to the guests for not having their pork meal ready.

Chef Ramsey is still upset that the Blue team still has not got it together. Ray has failed for the third time on the same order. He orders all the men out! Chef Ramsey warns the Red team that he will kick them all out too over one more mistake.

Chef Ramsey kicks them out after Nedra and Mary couldn’t get it together. Chef Ramsey orders both teams downstairs.  Chef Ramsey says both teams have lost and that each team will have to pick people to kick out.

The red team blames it all on the pork. Ray and Dan get into a fight. Ray calls Dan a bitch! The red team nominates Mary and Nedra because of the raw pork. The blue team nominates Ray and Dan. Dan gives Zach the finger behind his back. Chef Ramsey ultimately decides to send Ray and Dan home. He wants Nedra and Mary’s jackets too.
