How Jolt works in Destiny 2

Posted by Patria Henriques on Tuesday, April 30, 2024
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There are several changes making their way to Destiny 2 alongside Arc 3.0 update. Here, your Arc subclass will receive multiple reworks that will give you an edge in combat, and there are some new side effects you will have to deal with when battling against something playing as their Arc-infused Guardian. A notable damaging effect is called Jolt. Here’s everything you know about how Jolt works in Destiny 2.

Everything you need to know about Jolt

Jolt is a damaging effect you might receive in Destiny 2, and you can inflict it while playing as your Arc subclass as any Guardian. You’ll know when an opponent you’re fighting against has received the Jolt effect as they will begin to disperse small bursts of lighting around them to nearby enemies, giving them small bursts of damage, making it easier to take them down or finish the job you already started.

Related: All Hunter changes in Destiny 2’s Arc 3.0 update

If you’re unfortunate to receive the Jolt effect in a Crucible match or when battling against another Guardian in Iron Banner, the best thing to do is remove yourself from your allies. The closer you are to them, the more damage they will receive.

Jolt is a deadly effect you inflict on others, especially if you already have plenty of area of effect weapons at the ready or want to stack that damage on with your grenades and other fragments. We only know a few details regarding Jolt before the release of Destiny 2’s Season 18. Once that comes out, we’ll be able to get our hands on it and break down how this effect works in practice.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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