JFK Jrs longtime mistress: the sex was breathtakingly wonderful

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Sunday, May 19, 2024


A former mistress of John F. Kennedy Jr. must need cash, because she’s blabbing to the National Enquirer about their years-long passionate affair. She’s also writing a tell-all memoir about their relationship. While the details are totally juicy, at the end of day, the guy and his wife have been dead ten years. Do we need to know this? No, of course not. But it still makes for a good read.

More than a decade after the tragic death of John F. Kennedy Jr., his secret mistress is ripping the lid off their passionate love affair – and revealing for the first time how the Prince of Camelot cheated on his wife Carolyn!

“John told me he was considering divorce and was seeing a marriage counselor,” beautiful blond Sybill Hill, now 44, told the Enquirer in a bombshell world-exclusive interview.

“He said he felt guilty for what he had done. We both knew it was wrong, but we couldn’t help ourselves.”

The love story between Sybill and the married son of President John F. Kennedy started in 1991 – and lasted until he perished in the July 16, 1999 plane crash that also claimed the lives of his wife and her sister Lauren Bessette.

The Enquirer first identified Sybill as the woman John cheated with during his failing marriage in our Jan. 18, 2000 issue.

At the time, Sybill – a single mom and a successful artist in Aspen, Colo. – would only tell the Enquirer: “John was very unhappy in his marriage.”

But now she confirms that she was the woman John turned to for comfort as his marriage crumbled. And in an amazingly candid interview, Sybill tells the Enquirer how a chance meeting in Manhattan led to years of secret dates and sizzling sex.

“I met John Kennedy on Jan. 6, 1991, at the Moondance Diner on 6th Avenue,” she recalled.

“I walked in with a boyfriend when a gorgeous-looking man in a baseball cap pointed out a vacant table. I remember thinking ‘He looks just like John Kennedy Jr.!’ We were across the restaurant but we couldn’t stop staring at each other.

“When my date went to the bathroom, I went up to him and we chatted. Before my date came back, John wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. He blushed when the waitress told him, ‘That’s your check, I need that.’ He found another piece of paper, wrote ‘John’ on it and a phone number.”

A week later, Sybill, a willowy look-a-like for Kennedy’s wife – called him.

…”He tried to take me to out-of-the-way places for our dates, but once we went to a club in Harlem where everyone wanted to buy him a drink and take a picture with him.”

Sybill even met John’s fiercely protective big sister, Caroline.

“John invited me to join him at a restaurant for a family dinner for his cousin Bobby Shriver,” recalled Sybill, who is writing a book titled “White Horses” that will include details about the couple’s love affair.

“I sat next to Caroline, but she wasn’t very friendly, giving me a very cold look. It was obvious she was wondering if this girl was good enough for her little brother.”

After a month of dating, the two went to bed together for the first time.

“The sex was breathtakingly wonderful,” Sybill recalled. “But I was surprised that John didn’t seem used to the kind of wild sex that I enjoyed. He loved that about me. He’d say, ‘You’re so uninhibited, so adventurous.'”

“I remember the first time I woke up in his bed, looking at photographs of his parents, President Kennedy and his wife Jackie. It was so surreal.

“John liked to paint, and our painting sessions often turned into sex sessions. Once, I was pleasuring him as he did a finger painting. I still have the painting.

Sybill also reveals that Kennedy never used protection during sex.

“That was fine with me,” she divulged. “I would have loved to have had John’s baby. But it never happened.”

…After the news broke that he was considering marrying Carolyn Bessette, a publicist for Calvin Klein, Kennedy dropped by to see her, Sybill said.

“We made love, but I could see he was conflicted. I put my hand over John’s heart and said, ‘You have to follow your heart.’ He dropped his head and said simply, ‘I’m sorry.’ I knew he was leaving me for Carolyn,” she said.

Devastated by Kennedy’s marriage, Sybill moved to Colorado, but the two stayed in touch.

“I’d phone John’s office and he’d take my call,” she said. “I sent him a note congratulating him on his magazine ‘George’ and telling him I was managing a boutique in Aspen called Manrico Cashmere.”

Sybill began hearing rumors that the Kennedy marriage was in trouble, but but says she didn’t believe them until Kennedy called her at work and said he’d be in Aspen in February 1998.

“John told me, ‘I’m coming to a bachelor party at the Caribou Club and I have to see you,” she recalled.

The Enquirer confirmed with employees at the Caribou Club that Kennedy was there in early Februrary 1998 for a bachelor party. Aspen Club employees also confirmed that had a massage in early February and told a masseuse he was in town without his wife.

On Feb. 7, the night of the bachelor party, Kennedy called and asked her to pick him up, Sybill said.

“He was sneaking out of the party early,” she recalled. “At 9:30 p.m., I picked him up in an alley next to the club.”

Her then-boyfriend was in Tahiti, and she was staying in his two-story rustic home looking after his dog, so she took John there, Sybill said.

“I lit a fire in the fireplace. We started out on the couch, then moved down to an Oriental rug on the floor, and ended up upstairs in the bedroom,” she recalled. “I teased him, ‘Are you like a sailor with a girl in every port?’ John gazed into my eyes and said, ‘No, Sybill, you’re the only one.'”

“But he obviously felt guilty. He told me about his problems with Carolyn and said they’d been seeing a marriage counselor. He said he was considering divorce but still wanted to save the marriage. But then he startled me by asking, ‘What do you think you’ll be doing in two years?’ I took it to mean that he might be free in two years and was asking if I’d still be available. I told him, ‘I’ve never stopped loving you, and I’ll love you forever.’

“He begged me not to tell anyone about our night, saying, ‘Don’t even tell your twin sister.’ At 3 a.m., I drove him back to his rental car outside the Caribou Club. As he drove away, he gave me the peace sign. It was the last time I ever saw him.”

[From The National Enquirer print version, July 12, 2010]

I don’t find any of this to be all that shocking. The name “Kennedy” is pretty much synonymous with “man who cheats on his wife” at this point, isn’t it? John Jr. grew up in a family where the husbands all had something on the side. I guess what’s really surprising is that it was only one woman, and not a half dozen or so. I just don’t understand why this woman felt the need to spill a story that’s over a decade old- and there is no way for anyone to refute her claims because John and his wife are dead. It seems like a lame, fame-whorish move to me.

American magazine publisher and Kennedy heir John F. Kennedy Jr. (1960 - 1999) and American actress Daryl Hannah walk together while on holiday in Palau, Micronesia, August 1993. Kennedy wears purple swim trunks; Hannah wears a blue one-piece swimsuit with white polka dots. (Photo by Alec Byrne/Paul Harris/OnlineUSA/Getty Images) 289934 001: (Magazines Please Call) John F. Kennedy Jr. Gets Out Of A Truck With His Pet Dog 'Friday,' December 30, 1996 At A Montana Airport. July 16, 2000 Marks The One-Year Anniversary Of The Plane Crash Off The Coast Of Martha's Vineyard In Massachusetts That Killed Kennedy, His Wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, And Her Sister Lauren Bessette. (Photo By Anne Sherwood/Getty Images) FILE PHOTO: John F. Kennedy, Jr. and sister Caroline Kennedy March 8, 1999. (Photo by Diane Freed) FILE PHOTO: John Kennedy Jr. with wife Carolyn Besset arrive at 'Bright Night Whitney', a retrospective celebration of a century of American art at the Whitney Museum in New York City March 9, 1999.(Photo by Diane Freed)

Header: Archive photo of JFK Jr. courtesy of WENN.
