Warren Beatty offers Lindsay Lohan movie role, but she has to live with him

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Monday, June 3, 2024

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Lindsay Lohan was talking the other day about how she’s lost all that weight because she’s been under a lot of stress. And then when she was asked about what’s so stressful in her life, she said she’s been going to a lot of meetings for possible movie parts. We all laughed and rolled our eyes, but it turns out Lindsay may not have been bluffing – at least about the possible jobs.

Warren Beatty is considering putting her in one of his films – but there’s a major caveat. She has to agree to live in his home or guest house during filming so he can keep an eye on her.

What does Warren Beatty have in mind for Lindsay Lohan? He has something, because Beatty is apparently dangling a new movie role in front of the irrepressible Lindsay. But it has some strings attached to it. What I’m told is that Warren, the smartest guy in Hollywood, bar none, wants Ms. Lohan to come live under his roof — at least one of his guest roofs — while he shoots this movie.

And wait, you’re wondering, what movie is this? Beatty is said to have a script he wants to direct and star in, with La Lohan possibly playing his daughter. (If it’s his love interest, well, I’m not going there and I’m sure Warren isn’t either.)

Lindsay is said to know this is a chance of a lifetime and a way to re-start her languishing career. Recent efforts, like that horrid John Lennon murder movie Chapter 27, haven’t left her in the greatest shape. On the plus side, she’s clean, sober, happy and looking great.

But Lohan is a gifted actress with a lot of baggage and reputation for not making it to the set always on time and in one piece. So Beatty’s proviso sounds like a smart idea. And how bad it can be [sic] to live up on Mulholland Drive under the aegis of Annette Bening? I can hear a lot of young actresses heading to the phone now to try and get that gig.

Lindsay, pack your bags!

[From Fox News]

Obviously, the article was wrong on the whole, “she’s clean, sober, happy and looking great” bit. I guess we can’t know for sure about the clean/sober/happy part, but in terms of looking great, most people don’t think unhealthy weight loss and looking scary skinny is “great.”

Considering Lindsay doesn’t own a home and hops from rental to rental, living with Warren Beatty might even be a good financial move. I could see how it would be a little embarrassing to acquiesce to this demand when you’re a legal adult, but getting a decent role is essential for Lohan right now. As Fox pointed out, it’s been a long time since she’s been in anything good, and it’s long been rumored that she has money problems. She certainly has a shopping problem. And frankly, it would be good for Lohan to have some sort of parental figure looking out for her, even if it is a little late in life. Being in a Warren Beatty film can only be good for her, and it sounds like a fair enough deal to me.

Here’s Lindsay – not “looking great” – leaving the Genghis Cohen Restaurant in West Hollywood with Samantha Ronson last night. Images thanks to WENN.com.
