WWE RAW Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For October 30, 2023

Posted by Valentine Belue on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

It’s Monday night, and you know what that means! WWE RAW will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the October 30, 2023 episode.

The start time for WWE RAW is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight promises another exciting night of action as Seth Rollins faces off against JD McDonagh. Also scheduled for tonight is the singles match between Ricochet and Dominik Mysterio.

WWE RAW Lineup (10/30/2023):

  • The Creed Brothers vs. Alpha Academy
  • Seth Rollins vs. JD McDonagh
  • Candice LeRae vs. Xia Li
  • Ricochet vs. Dominik Mysterio
  • Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa vs. Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci
  • Trick or Treat Street Fight: Natalya vs. Chelsea Green

WWE RAW Results (10/30/2023):

The opening package for the show airs.

Rhea Ripley’s music plays and she comes out to the ring with Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh. Rhea Ripley says they have taken care of every Superstar who has stood in their way. She says Damian priest shattered Cody Rhodes’ ankle last week and that is just the beginning because Dominik is going to put down Ricochet tonight.

Rhea says JD McDonagh is going to remind Seth Rollins what it feels like to be an enemy of Judgment Day. She says Drew McIntyre and Rollins have some decisions to make and this could decide who will walk out of WWE Crown Jewel as Champion.

She says the odds are stacked against her at Crown Jewel. She says this is another opportunity to prove that she is the most dominant woman in WWE. Sami Zayn’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.

Sami says he is so sick of hearing Rhea talk about power and how Judgment Day has all the power and championships. Sami says his entire career and life he has fought people like Judgment Day. He says he will fight the Judgment Day no matter the odds as long as he is breathing. He says he will fight the Judgment Day until they are no more.

Rhea says Sami can resist all that he wants because it doesn’t matter. She says they don’t need the numbers for him. She suggests Sami can go one-on-one against Damian Priest. Dominik says they can teach him a lesson now. Ricochet’s music plays and he runs down to the ring. Sami leaves the ring and JD goes to attack Ricochet but gets sent out of the ring. Dominik tries to sneak up on Ricochet but he catches him and Dominik rolls out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Ricochet vs Dominik Mysterio

Ricochet dropkicks Dominik. He attacks him in the corner. Ricochet sent outside the ring. Dominik slams Ricochet’s face on the announcer’s desk. Dominik attacks Ricochet in the corner. Dominik stomps Ricochet in the corner.

Dominik goes for a splash in the corner and misses. Ricochet comes back with an enzuigiri and he follows it with a suplex. Ricochet hits a standing shooting star press. Cover! 1……2…..kick out. Dominik rolls out of the ring. Ricochet hits a crossbody onto Dominik.

*Commercial break*

Dominik hits the three amigos on Ricochet. He catapults Ricohet onto the second rope and goes for 619 and misses. Ricochet with a springboard elbow. Ricochet with an hurricanrana. He hits a springboard crossbody and follows it with a springboard moonsault on Dominik. Cover! 1…..2….kick out.

Dominik rakes the eye and hits a neckbreaker. He goes for the frog splash and misses. Ricochet hits him with a superkick. He climbs the top rope but Rhe is on the apron. JD distracts Ricochet and Dominik rolls up Ricochet for the win.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

Ricochet superkicks JD McDonagh and hits the recoil on Dominik. Rhea drags Dominik out of the ring.

Alpha Academy vs. Creed Brothers

Alpha Academy’s music plays and they come down to the ring. The Creed Brothers’ theme song plays and they walk to the ring.

The match begins with Julius Creed and Chad Gable. Gable takes down Julius. Julius tags out and Brutus suplexes Gable. Gable tags out. Otis knocks down Brutus. Brutus with a double axe handle. He tags out but Otis knocks them down. Otis and Gable suplex the Creed Brothers.

*Commercial break*

Brutus with a Samoan drop on Gable. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Gable tags out. Otis hits the Creed Brother with a clothesline. He bodyslams both of them. Otis attacks Julius in the corner. Otis hits the caterpillar on Julius. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Julius with a jumping and tags out. Brutus hits the moonsault on Otis. Gable and Juiu tumble out of the ring. Brutus goes for a crossbody but Otis catches him and hits a powerslam. Cover! 1…..2….Julius hits a 450 splash and Gable hits the moonsault on Julius. Maxxine is on the apron but Ivy Nile knocks her down. Ivy is on the apron and she is pulled down. Akira gets between them and Ivy suplexes him. Otis is on the second rope and Julius picks him up. Brutus hits the Brutus ball for the win.

Winner: The Creed Brothers

Damian and Finn are backstage. Someone knocks on their door. The New Day enter and are dressed up as Judgment Day. Balor takes some of his candy. Rhea comes in and Balor asks if Dominik is ok. Dominik says Ricochet will pay for what happened. Rhea says they need to focus on Judgment Day business. Priest says he has a lot to focus on. He says there are no leaders. Rhea says there are no leaders and the reason she made his match tonight is because he is the enforcer of the Judgment Day. Priest says let’s show the world they run this place.

The Miz’s music plays and he walks out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Miz says he has secured one of the biggest guests in Miz TV history and he introduces Gunther. But nobody comes out and Miz introduces him again. Again, nobody comes out. Miz asks if he has to speak in German. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci come out and Kaiser says Gunther is not going to walk down to the ring because Miz asked him to.

Kaiser says Miz is everything that is wrong with the WWE Universe today. He says Miz is the embodiment of everything they despise. He calls Miz a clown. Miz says he has never been another man’s sidekick. He calls Vinci the third wheel. Vinci says Miz was his wife’s sidekick. Miz makes fun of Vinci.

He says Kaiser is allowing Vinci to talk. Vinci says he talks when he wants to talk and Kaiser shuts him up. Imperium’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Miz welcomes Gunther and asks him to have a seat but Gunther remains standing.

Gunther says he is not his guest and he came out to make two things clear. He says Miz is trying to run a talk show in 2023. He says the ring is sacred to him and everything The Miz does is beneath him. He says he does not respect The Miz. Miz says it won’t be the last time he hears that. He calls Gunther boring. He says he is the biggest star in the WWE.

Gunther says that is his issue because once the bell rings, the only thing that matters is how good of a wrestler you are and that is why Miz is only a talk show host while he is the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion. Miz says he can be serious when he wants to be. He lists his accolades. He says he made the Intercontinental Championship the most prestigious title in all of WWE and he can do it again.

Gunther says Miz can create another memorable moment and he says something to Kaiser. Kaiser takes a pumpkin and breaks it. Gunther asks if he is going to do something about it. Miz knocks down Kaiser and sends Vinci out of the ring. Gunther knocks down Miz. Gunther says Miz is not in his league. As he leaves the ring, Miz goes to attack him but Imperium knocks him out of the ring. Miz walks to the back.

#DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano) vs. Imperium (Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci)

#DIY’s music plays and they come out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Adam Pearce is backstage and Miz barges in. He demands a match with Gunther for the Intercontinental Champion. Pearce says he can’t give him a match but he can give him an opportunity to earn one. Bronson Reed comes in and says he has to earn the title by beating him.

The match begins Gargano and Vinci. Vinci knocks down Gargano. Gargano comes back with a hurricanrana. He tags out. They double-team him. Vinci hits Ciampa with a clothesline. He tags out and Kaiser attacks Ciampa in the corner.

Ciampa hits Kaiser with a clothesline. He knocks Vinci off the apron and Gargano dives onto him. Kaiser takes out Gargano. Vinci slams Gargano on the apron and Kaiser dropkicks him.

*Commercial break*

Kaiser slams Gargano and he tags out. Kaiser and Vinci are sent out of the ring. Gargano with an enzuigiri to Vinci. Vinci comes back with a backbreaker. Gargano plants Vinci with a DDT. Both men tag out. Ciampa knocks down Kaiser and Vinci. He attacks them in the corner and follows it with a double clothesline. Ciampa with a reverse DDT to Kaiser.

Kaiser comes back with a Death Valley driver. Kaiser hits Ciampa with a clothesline and he tags out. Kaiser goes for an uppercut but Gargano superkicks him. Vinci goes for a moonsault and misses. Ciampa catches him with a running knee. He tags out and they hit Vinci with the knee strike for the win.

Winner: #DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano)

Shinsuke Nakamura is backstage and he says he is looking for his next sacrifice. He asks his next challenger to step forward and challenge him. He says he is waiting.

Candice LeRae vs. Xia Li

Candice LeRae’s theme song plays and she comes down to the ring with Indi Hartwell.

*Commercial break*

Xia Li’s music plays and she comes down to the ring.

The match begins and Candice attacks Xia in the corner. Xia rolls out of the ring and she attacks her. Xia with a jumping and she follows it with a spinning kick. The referee is checking on Candice. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Xia Li

Sami is backstage and he is joined by Jey Uso. Jey wishes him luck for his match. Jackie interrupts to interview Jey. Jey says Sami is going to handle tonight and Cody will handle business at Crown Jewel. He says he and Cody can get those titles from Judgment Day again.

*Commercial break*

Candice LeRae is getting checked out backstage.

Seth Rollins vs. JD McDonagh

Seth Rollins’ music plays and he walks to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Seth gets on the mic and says he is feeling like getting loose tonight and hence, he decided to beat up JD McDonagh. He says he will do that in preparation for Crown Jewel.

Seth says he is a fan of Drew McIntyre but he asks Drew to cry him a river. He says all of us were fighting our own battles in some way and there were people who had it a whole lot worse. He says he does not feel sorry for Drew. He says Drew was a good champion and he says he will shake his hand if Drew can beat him.

He says he is not the same person Drew beat last time. JD attacks him from behind.

The match starts and Rollins kicks JD and sends him outside the ring. Rollins chops JD multiple times. He slams JD’s face on the apron. Rollins sends JD into the barricade. Rollins sends him into the ring. Rollins chops JD in the corner. Rollins bounces his head off the turnbuckle.

JD comes back with a corkscrew splash. He attacks Rollins in the corner. Rollins sends JD out of the ring. Rollins with a suicide dive on JD.

*Commercial break*

JD goes to work on Rollins. Rollins fights back against JD. Rollins hits JD with multiple clotheslines. Rollins attacks JD in the corner and follows it with another clothesline. Rollins with a slingblade and he follows it with a running knee. Cover! 1…..2….kick out.

JD comes back with a headbutt. He climbs the top rope and goes for a moonsault and misses. Rollins catches him with a jumping knee but JD comes back with a Spanish fly. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Rollins with a buckle bomb. He climbs the top rope. Damian Priest comes out and this gives the advantage to JD. JD climbs the top rope but is stopped. Rollins with a back suplex on JD. Rollins hits the pedigree and follows it with the stomp for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Ricochet is backstage with Adam Pearce. Pearce says he can give him a chance to earn an Intercontinental Championship. Ricochet says he still has a bone to pick with Dominik. Chelsea comes in with Piper Nivena and she is enraged about her match. Pearce says he doesn’t have time to talk about this. They leave and Ivar walks in and says he needs to speak to him about the Intercontinental Championship in his office.

Trick or Treat Street Fight: Natalya vs. Chelsea Green

Natalya’s music plays and she comes down to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Jackie interviews Becky Lynch who says Lyra was the right person to beat her. She says she defended her title more times than Rhea and Roman defended their titles. Xia Li comes in and says she is scared of her. Becky says they can fight right here and now. Xia says she will fight her on her time and walks away.

Chelsea Green’s music plays and she comes out with Piper Niven.

The match begins and Chelsea knocks down Natalya. Green hits her with a pie. She superkicks Natalya. Green throws some candy into the ring. Natalya hits Green with a kendo stick and she sends her into the timekeeper’s area. Green hits her with a trash can lid. Chelsea places Natalya on the table and she dives onto her.

Natalya dips Chelsea’s hair in the water. She attacks Piper and goes for a double sharp shooter but Green kicks her away. Green kicks Natalya in the face. She picks up a pumpkin and Nikki Cross’ head underneath. Green is spooked and Natalya slams her head on the table.

Green sets Natalya on the top rope and places the candy corn in the ring. Natalya powerbombs Green on the candy corn. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. She locks in the sharpshooter. Piper is on the apron. Green accidentally throws a pie in Piper’s face and Natalya knocks her down. Green hits the unprettier for the win.

Winner: Chelsea Green

*Commercial break*

Sami Zayn vs. Damian Priest

Damian Priest’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Sami Zayn’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

The match begins and Priest attacks Sami in the corner. Sami comes back and attacks Priest in the same elbow. He hits Priest with an elbow. Priest rolls out of the ring. Sami with a moonsault on Priest. He sends Priest into the ring. Priest superkicks him.

Priest knocks down Sami. Priest with a launching suplex to Sami. Sami returns with a tornado DDT on Priest sending him out of the ring. Priest chokeslams Sami onto the apron.

*Commercial break*

Sami hits Priest with a clothesline. Dominik and Finn Balor come out to the ring. Dominik is on the apron but he gets knocked down. Priest hits the reckoning on Sami. Priest goes for a splash in the corner and misses. Balor distracts the referee and Dominik attacks Sami. Jey Uso’s music plays and he attacks Dominik and Balor.

Winner: Damian Priest via DQ

He gets in the ring and superkicks Priest. Balor and Dominik attack Uso and Sami. Cody Rhodes comes running to the ring and he brawls with Priest. Jey superkicks Dominik and Sami sends him out of the ring. Sami and Jey dive onto Balor and Dominik. Cody slams Priest’s face on the announcer’s desk. JD McDonagh comes out and saves Priest who runs away. Sami hits JD with the helluva kick. Cody hits the Cross Rhodes to JD on the announcer’s table. He gets back on the table and does it again.

Cody gets on the mic and says Priest was unsuccessful in trying to injure him. He says Priest has a briefcase yet he is not the leader of Judgment Day. Cody says Priest walks behind Rhea, Balor, and Dominik. He says he is back on his path and his path goes straight through Priest.

This ends our live coverage of WWE RAW!
